Friday, June 25, 2010
Global Warming Deniers and Their Proven Strategy of Doubt
by Naomi Orekses and Erik M. Conway
For years, free-market fundamentalists opposed to government regulation have sought to create doubt in the public’s mind about the dangers of smoking, acid rain, and ozone depletion. Now they have turned those same tactics on the issue of global warming and on climate scientists, with significant success. Read whole story here.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
LIME bagged employee support to go "green"
In support of the Cayman “Become Green” campaign, LIME provided its employees with reusable shopping bags.
LIME Country Manager Anthony Ritch and the service delivery team show off the bags they now will take to major supermarkets, which began implementing a five cent charge on 9 June for their new biodegradable plastic bags.
LIME employees at One Technology Square also received the reusable shopping bags.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Public meetings on draft National Conservation Bill
22 June 2010
Cayman residents can have their say on the newest version of the National Conservation Bill.
Environment Minister Mark Scotland wants to bring the bill to the Legislative Assembly before year’s end.
“I believe that we need comprehensive conservation legislation to adequately protect Cayman’s future,” Mr. Scotland said. “I also hold that the environment is an issue that affects everyone, and therefore it is vital to gauge public opinion on the matter.
The Department of Environment has started public consultations with key stakeholder meetings and the launch of an explanatory guide to the proposed National Conservation Law.
In addition, district meetings will start the week of 5 July. The department will announce times and venues as soon as possible. Read whole story here.
Friday, June 11, 2010
Today's Editorial for June 11: Thinking globally, acting locally
We have learned there is no threat of oil from the Gulf of Mexico leak washing ashore in the Cayman Islands.
However, this does not mean there is no threat at all to Cayman; scientists believe the Caribbean marine ecosystem could indeed be affected by the Gulf oil spill.
It is known, for instance, that one of the turtles that lays its eggs on Cayman’s beaches has migrated to an area in the Gulf. More significantly, it is thought that ocean-dwelling fish are part of a marine ecosystem interlinked with the Gulf. How that could affect Cayman is anyone’s guess, but the point is that the world’s environment crosses man-made borders of countries. Everything is ultimately linked.
The phrase ‘think globally, act locally’ has been used to encourage worldwide activism on a number of fronts, including the environment. The idea is that environmental issues are everyone’s problem, so everyone should do their part. It has been argued that Cayman is so small, anything it does to address things like its carbon footprint are negligible on a global scale. But just like one vote doesn’t usually win an election anywhere, politicians are ultimately elected by individual voters nonetheless. Every little bit does help, or hurt, depending on the action.
Most will bring their own grocery store bags
Caymanian Compass
More the 71 per cent of the 482 respondents to last week’s online poll said they will take their own shopping bags when grocery stores start charging for plastic bags. Cayman’s major supermarkets started charging five cents per bag on Wednesday.
In total, 343 people - 71.2 per cent - said they would take their own bags to the store instead of paying the five cents.
“Of course, there will be the inevitable times I forget, so I’ll probably end up buying about 50 of the reusable ones - or just not use a bag, depending on what it is,” said one person. Read the full story here.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Plastic bag charge starts today
9 June 2010
The Caymanian Compass
Starting today, supermarkets will be implementing a new 5 cent charge for plastic bags as part of the Cayman BECOME campaign to encourage the Cayman Islands public to bring their own reusable bags when they shop.
To prepare for the big day, cashiers and baggers have received training from the Cayman BECOME education and training committee.
“We are aiming to adapt the interaction between cashier and customer for when the charge is introduced,” said Senior Sustainable Development Officer at the Department of Environment Joni Kirkconnell, one of the trainers.
She said cashiers are now being urged to ask customers directly if they have their own bags with them and if not they will ask whether the customer needs a bag and wishes to purchase a reusable bag, or purchase plastic bags. “This should not only make people think about bringing their own bags in the future, but it will also make cashiers more aware of how many plastic bags they are providing, and customers more aware of how many plastic bags they are using,” said Ms Kirkconnell. Read the whole story here.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Cayman’s got a brand new bag
TOPIC: Community
By: Basia Pioro-McGuire
Cayman BECOME is a new campaign promoting the use of reusable shopping bags instead of plastic, encouraging members of the community to take their own reusable bags when they shop.
Starting on 9 June, the initiative kicks into high gear with the introduction of a five cent charge for plastic bags at the Island’s supermarkets.
The programme is the result of much hard work by the Corporate Green Team Network, whose members include Cayman Eco, Deloitte Cayman, the Department of Environment, the Department of Tourism, dms, Island Heritage, Island Supply, KPMG, LIME, Maples Finance, Ogier, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and Rawlinson & Hunter.
“Sustainability is important for our community,” explains Department of Environment Sustainable Development Officer Sophie Halford.
Read the full story...
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Cayman BECOME hands out free reusuable bags
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Cruise ship industry needs better waste-control standards
(Credit: Ivan Lian via Flickr).
Imagine walking down the street just as the crew of an airplane flying overhead decides to dump sewage from the plane's toilets. Not a pleasant thought. Fortunately, airlines aren't allowed to do this.
But cruise ships do it all the time — and not just with sewage, but with food waste, oily bilge water, and solid waste as well. As an article on the nonprofit news website DC Bureau notes, cruise ship companies that rely on "pristine oceans, beautiful coral reefs and marine life" and "that advertise excursions to untouched ocean scenery are threatening these very same natural resources with their standard practice of flushing harmful toxins, mostly as sewage and food waste, into the ocean."
Although some cruise ship companies have made improvements in waste-water treatment, the industry still has a long way to go. And even though sewage is subject to some regulations, food-waste dumping is not regulated. Considering that a cruise ship can serve from 10,000 to 25,000 meals a day, that's a lot of leftover scraps and waste that are ground up and dumped into often-fragile ocean ecosystems. This waste becomes acidic as it decomposes, increasing nutrients that starve the ocean of oxygen and contribute to the creation of dead zones. Read more...
Thursday, June 3, 2010
World Environment Day: June 5th
Contact Leah Grant at the Department of Environment if you are interested in volunteering or for more information at, (tel) 949-8469.
By David Suzuki with Faisal Moola